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The tree of life has become a universal symbol . It is for this reason that it can be found everywhere, especially in jewelry , decorations , but also in tattoos . This sacred tree you to anchor yourself spiritually to nature and is the symbol of peace and harmony . In this article, you will know everything about the tree of life: its meanings and its virtues .
This sacred tree is found in many religions. Each has its own belief and this is what gives all this strength to the tree of life. Together, let's explore the point of view of different religions on this very special tree.
On a more spiritual side, the tree of life has many meanings. It symbolizes peace and harmony, but also strength, nature or family. This sacred tree is often considered a real lucky charm.
In Norse mythology, it is called Yggdrasil: it is the connection between the world of men and that of the sky, which is made up of gods and giants. A beautiful image to represent this symbol of nature. With its roots deeply anchored in the ground, and its high bearing drawn towards the sky, the tree of life is the symbolic element which connects human beings to the Earth. It represents the cycle of life: with its leaves which fall and then the fruits which grow, it is the symbol of regeneration.
In fact, it can take on so many meanings that it is impossible to list the meanings here. On the other hand, we can all form our own opinion on this tree and feel what it brings us deep inside us.
Increasingly acclaimed, the tree of life may have been reminiscent of a fashion effect. Tattoos, jewelry, hangings: everything is an opportunity to highlight this symbolic tree. But it is much more than a trend!
Indeed, all people who carry an image of the tree of life truly believe in the spiritual and protective side of the king of the forest. Wanting to keep the tree of life as close as possible brings significant virtues:
If the tree of life that you wear is a jewel, you can associate the benefits of the elements that compose it. Indeed, whether it is made of wood, silver or composed of stones, the virtues will be different.
This so symbolic tree is represented by many plants according to the religions or the myths which surround it. All trees are strong symbols of nature, but some have been given more prominence thanks to the tree of life.
We were able to observe that each culture and each religion has its own feeling in relation to the tree of life. Each one has its history and its belief and that is what makes the beauty of this so sacred tree.
Nature represents a lot for us, as well as all the treasures it can offer us. We invite you to read our article on essential oils to find out how to use them.
And why not treat yourself to a tree of life? Indeed, giving a gift to our loved ones is always a gesture full of love, but it is also beneficial to think of oneself and to take pleasure in giving oneself gifts.
But whether it's for you, the person who shares your life or a close friend, why would you choose a tree of life jewelry? To tell you the truth, there are many valid reasons to opt for this symbolic jewel, but here we bring you the beginning of an answer.
It is for these reasons that it was essential for us to incorporate this symbolic tree into our creations. For the moment, we present you a wooden bracelet with the effigy of the tree of life and we leave you the choice of the color of the cord. And who knows what's next? You may be able to find it soon on a necklace or a diffuser? 🙂
Its roots represent anchoring to the earth, its trunk is synonymous with strength, its leaves are the symbol of the cycle of life. This sacred tree has not finished surprising us with its symbolism and its spiritual side.
In order to know everything about the tree of life, be it its meanings and its virtues, we immersed ourselves in an enchanted universe that we adore. And you, would you like us to offer you more creations around this World tree?
Route du Bois-Laurent 1, 1261 Le Vaud, Switzerland
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